Super Blue Moon

Tonight marks a Super Blue Moon – “Super” because of how it aligns with the planets and “Blue” because it is the second full moon in the month. What does that mean? I think the best answer that I’ve heard came from my awesome yoga teacher – Something … or nothing. 

Typically in yogi world we think of full moons as a time our body or energy is filled up, things we’ve stored throughout this cycle. These are times to reflect, notice what we’re holding on to – patterns, beliefs, emotions – that no longer serve us. It’s also a great time to move any energy that might be stuck in our body.

After we’ve reflected on those, we express gratitude for any lessons or new understandings and then we release it all, creating new space for what’s to come.

Sometimes we can feel slower, heavier, less motivated in these days – much like we feel after a heavy meal. It’s important to be kind to ourselves, allow those feelings and use the down time for meditation and introspection. Soon enough we will actively be filling ourselves up to the brim again. “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven”.

A ritual that I love during full moons is putting down on paper all of the things I’m ready to release and (safely) burn it – ashes to ashes (thoughts and emotions are no more than that – temporary).

After that it’s wonderful to get outside and add a physical release using a full moon salutation – breathing deeply into the poses helps move and clear out energy. Drinking an extra bit of water during this time is also awesome for cleansing and releasing.

I love following this up by sitting and visualizing all the good, new energy we will bring in to ourselves during this next cycle, closing out the meditation with the prayer that this or something greater happen for the highest good of all concerned. We leave our space with gratitude for all that is and hopeful expectation for what is to come.

However you enjoy and observe this beautiful heavenly cycle, may it bring you and yours many blessings.

Peace ☮️

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