Everyone is on a different Journey. In case you aren’t exactly in the celebratory season this Holiday. This is for you.
I’m a bubbly, make-it-happen kinda gal. Celebratory, whether it’s the tiniest win, a big win, my win, or the checkout person at the grocery store’s win. I celebrate. Someone said to me, see, you’re into all this and sometimes I feel low at the Holidays because they remind me of my Mother that passed. I understand. Especially when that song played over and over in December.
Believe me. When I was in transition, in the same house, until we came to the end of our journey together (more on this another time), I felt the same. Then I moved into my new home, I had my dream job, knew that I could take care of myself and my girls, and then 30 days later in October Whoop the owner of the company decided that with market conditions, they were making a change. What? At this time, when the only thing that I knew I could count on was me?? Reallllly? After all the right choices, the high road, surviving company ownership in the recession, shielding my babies that I longed to bring into this world, the integrity and character with which I’d led my life, why the $%^& NOW?? And the song played. And I let it out. I cried until I had no more tears. Season after season.
I’ve had a decade or more of being in the “Where are you Christmas?” mode. And the song played. Faith Hill singing to me. Crying my eyes out, getting angry, searching for answers, asking my friends what I was missing, and putting one foot in front of the other, and being brave. Some answers came, some never came. And the song played again in December, and I cried again. Over and over, Christmas after Christmas. Maddening.
And since then, I’ve grown. I’m a better person, a new person. Transition after transition. Nothing much rocks my world. Some wise angels in my path tell me that’s what we’re here for ,spiritual growth and development. Did I really need THAT much? Obviously, I did.
We are here for you. Whether it’s God, the Universe, or a blade of grass that you believe in….
We are HERE for YOU.
Welcome! We’ll get through this and hope that you can relate to one of our posts, or we bring a smile, or this is exactly what you need….at this moment…on this day.
And when you need to dig forever deep to get through…draw on this post, and all the other strong people in the world that you need to KNOW in your bones, you will make it through.
Share a smile here, you never know when what you do is exactly what someone else needs to hear.
All our best this new year and thank you for joining us on this adventure! Cheers!
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